Sunday, August 25, 2019

Not Again
Maria T. Henriksen
Being a teenager is a challenging time in a young person's life. It comes with changes that are sometimes difficult to adjust to and be content with in their lives. This novel takes the reader into the life of Christina De Rosa and her journey through those "teen" years. The social pressures and teenager drama can be very hard to cope with. Add a deep, dark secret that fear of exposure would ruin her life, Christina has to find her way in this emotionally and spiritually filled story.

This story is set in the 1980s and Christina is facing the age old, typical teen challenges of starting high school, hanging out with friends, to date or not to date, finding out just who the person she really is. Christina is a beautiful young lady and she is asked to be a contestant in the local Miss Blue Lagoon beauty pageant which she reluctantly agrees to enter. This is the beginning of a string of events that forms Christina's future. An unimaginable assault that destroys her self worth and the fears that drag her into deep, dark places on the inside but acting like she's just fine on the outside. "Bottling up the pain, the frustration, confusion, sadness, anger, disappointment, and betrayal ate away at my confidence and my joy. Believing I was worthless had become the beginning of the end."

The characters in this book range through a variety of personalities. Just like typical teens are. I connected with Christina. She was written with depth and emotions that most teens would relate to. She wants to be her own self but that's violently taken away. Ms. Henriksen took me on this rugged path with Christina to put the pieces of her life back together. There are characters who are there for Christina, like Avery. "I wanted him to fill the void I felt-the unworthiness, the guilt, the shame. I wanted him to stop the pain, the anguish, the torture I continued to suffer day after day, as I unwillingly and uncontrollably relived that real-life nightmare." He's her rock and support who gives her life value. She has best friends who look out for her. Then there are the characters who challenge her and are a nemesis that also help form the person she becomes.

This book is a story of a spiritual battle within Christina. It's one that isn't easy. Why does God allow things to happen? Where is He when things are falling apart? I appreciate the scripture passages that Ms. Henriksen weaves through the story at the perfect place for the message to come forth. This book delves into issues that are difficult. There are scenes that made me cringe and cry for Christina. There are situations that most teens face and the choices they make that can change their lives drastically. I love the message in this book that each individual can choose their destiny through their faith and belief in God.

I think this book is inspiring in that there is a way to overcome. It's one that I would recommend to older teens particularly because of the subject matter and situations Christina finds herself in. It's a challenge to young women to be true to themselves and be the person God created them to be.

I hope and pray the message Ms. Henriksen shares resonates with many readers. It has spoken to my heart even though it's been many years since I was a teen facing many of the same situations. God's word is eternal. I want to thank Ms. Henriksen for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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